My 3rd birthday in Aceh

4:03 PM Hastanti S Putri 1 Comments

Hi, today is my day. i'm turning 26. OMG, I never imagine that i spent my 3 years in other city, especially in Aceh. Well i'm going to say about something that changes my life. I feel like i'm more mature than the old me. Cause i met someone who give me some advice and change my life. I believe everything happen for some reason, we met people, get hurt or happy, it's a part of a lesson. it's depend on how you get a lesson from that situation.

Back to the topic, what the things that change my life?
The key is you must have no expectation on people

The less you expect the less you get hurt

And its true. It's been one month since i'm trying to have no expectation on people, since that tragedy. And i'm happy just the way i am. It doesnt mean that you dont have to do anything. You just try your best in life, but don't have any expectation on people. Maybe you think "Doesn't it sound like i don't have any ambition in my life?" No, i don't. I still have my ambition, but i do my best and i give my hope on Allah swt. Try to have a genuine heart and thankfullness for everything that happened in your life, is the key for your life :)

Try it, and see what will be change in your life :)